What is TDDI?

Pilea Homecare are registered with the Care Quality Commission for treatment of disease, disorder or injury.
We are one of the very few home care providers that are registered for TDDI. Pilea Homecare are registered for TDDI because we have the advantage of having registered healthcare professionals working in our care teams. Our qualified and experienced nurses supervise and delegate nursing procedures, so that we can look after customers with complex nursing needs in their own homes.
This complex and nursing care can only be authorised by a healthcare professional by virtue of their professional qualification – one of the many aspects of our care that makes us stand out from other providers.
What TDDI care covers
Our TDDI care offers you nurse-led supervision for a disease, disorder or injury.
If you’re living with a complex or progressive disease, disorder or injury, you might benefit from a bespoke TDDI care plan. Our team of registered nurses lead our expert TDDI care, which covers a wide range of treatments, such as:

Ongoing treatment for long-term conditions
TDDI care from our expert nurse-led team of carers offers continuous, fully managed home support for complex, progressive and terminal conditions
Treatment for a physical or mental health condition
Our nurse-led support is personalised to your specific condition, meaning you’ll get a bespoke care plan that ensures you’re never left feeling isolated or unsupported
A listed healthcare professional
With TDDI care from Pilea Homecare, your support will be closely supervised by a qualified, experienced healthcare professional who will monitor your needs and ensure your care is always correct
Palliative care
Our palliative care focuses on helping you to manage any pain you may be experiencing and to be able to live as comfortably and independently as possible with your symptoms

How we can help
Professional roles and protected titles
The use of professional titles is protected by law. If a person uses a professional title, the assumption will be that the service is being carried out by someone acting in their capacity as a registered healthcare professional and directly using their professional qualification. This means that if the profession is one of those on the list in the regulations, registration will usually be required.
Pilea Homecare registered clinical leads undertake:
Catheter care
Receive help cleaning and maintaining a catheter or stoma, as well as dedicated continence care.
Use of oxygen therapy
Our nursing team can support you with supplementary oxygen in the comfort of your own home.
Pressure area care
Our carers can help relieve pain and prevent sores on any pressure areas you have
Administration of eyedrops and eardrops
Receive careful, attentive help with the administration of eyedrops and eardrops when needed.
Administration of inhalers and nebulisers
A registered clinical lead is able to assist you with the use of your inhaler or a nebuliser.
Support with compression stockings
We’ll be able to help you change your stockings, ensure they’re comfortable, and wash them.
Complex care we offer
This list is not exhaustive – please give us a call to establish whether we can help you at home with nursing and complex needs.